Holiday Giveaway

Black Women Feel Pain Too is doing a giveaway this holiday season. In the spirit of being back, we will be giving one lucky person a personalized gift box. The gift box will be handpicked items by our Executive Director. Plus donated gifts from business donors.

Entry is easy:

  1. Like our ‘Holiday Giveaway’ post on either Instagram or Facebook
  2. Share the post on your social media
  3. Subscribe to our blog (homepage)

Last day to enter is December 26. If you are a business, and would like to donate any items to the gift box, please email [email protected].

We are now Amazon Influencers! Without your support this would not be possible. We offer our sincerest appreciation. With that being said, please visit our Amazon Store Front today for all our period product recommendation.

Our Executive Director even has her own personal favorites on there too.

Any purchases made on our Amazon Store Front will generate a commission for Black Women Feel Pain Too.


Did you know that 1 in 4 teens have limited access to feminine hygiene products? Black Women Feel Pain Too is now accepting donations for feminine hygiene products. Your donations will support local school aged girls.

Please send your donations to the address above. If you would like to send a monetary donation, we are requesting a donation of $11. However, any amount is appreciated.

Please put ‘Donation’ as the reason for the money transaction.

Out Now

Black Women Feel Pain Too has released its first documentary. Unprescribed Prescription takes you on a journey of three ladies who suffer from three different medical conditions. Each lady gives you a first-hand perspective of what it’s like living with their illness.

Subscribe to Destini Marie on YouTube to watch.

Now Hiring

Black Women Feel Pain Too is looking for brand ambassadors. Are you interested? Please shoot us an email and let’s discuss your position.