Endometriosis: The Disheartening Side Effects on Fertility

Some women dream about becoming a mother from a young age – planning, dreaming, and envisioning what their life will be like with a precious little gift. As we know, life does not always work out in our favor. Imagine the heartbreak and agony a woman faces after receiving an endometriosis diagnosis or the thoughts

Developing Fibroids: The Pain, Facts, and Disparities

Introduction Talking about periods has always been a faux pas – no one wants to discuss menstruation openly or how our periods affect the female body. It is no surprise that common gynecological conditions are unknown publicly today. Unfortunately, the lack of education and discussion on these conditions causes girls and women to suffer silently.

Aunt flow

Let’s Get to Know Aunt Flow

A period every girl’s best friend; okay, let’s be serious- menstruation – a monthly annoyance for females of reproductive age. Every month, after a girl reaches puberty, she menstruates. The uterus lining sheds and flows out of the vagina. Understanding menstrual flow and the parameters is beneficial knowledge and can help initiate conversation if any

annoyed face

3 Annoying Things No One With Endometriosis Wants to Hear

Endometriosis Endometriosis is a painful chronic disease where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. Endometriosis is a common disease; 1 in 10 women have endometriosis; unfortunately, there is no cure for endometriosis, but there are several myths surrounding endometriosis treatment. Even worse, these myths sometimes come in the form

Four Best Tips to Consider When Seeking Medical Care

Choosing the right healthcare provider is essential to your overall health. Doctors should be interested in your personal goals and do what is necessary to ensure your quality of life. As a patient, you should be able to trust your provider and rely on them to provide you with exceptional care and thorough education on

Healthcare Disparities In The Black Community Today

Background As strides have occurred to close the gap in the healthcare disparities against Black women, there is still enormous work to accomplish.  Unfortunately, discrimination and inequality are both prevalent in society today. A prime example is the disparities within the healthcare system. Recent data has proven that Black women do not receive the same

The 3 Best Herbal Teas For Endometriosis Treatment

Tea For Endometriosis Herbal tea is an effective option for treating all types of health concerns. Endometriosis is a chronic illness that affects every part of one’s body; although there is no cure, doctors will prescribe birth control or pain medications to help with symptoms.  Prescription medications such as pain medications can have side effects,