How To Treat Endometriosis Holisticly

I am not a medical professional; all information below is my knowledge and experimentation. 


Before beginning, please note that this is a cannabis-friendly blog!!! 

Endometriosis causes pain for individuals with the condition. Physicians will prescribe birth control or pain medication to manage symptoms. Birth control use long-term has side effects, and taking pain medication has risk factors too. Although there is no cure for endometriosis, there are natural remedies that work to alleviate pain and manage symptoms. 


Photo by Testeur de CBD on Unsplash

Marijuana is a miracle plant; the benefits outweigh the stigma that surrounds the plant. Cannabis has become trendy in healthcare recently, particularly Cannabidiol (CBD). For this blog, however, we will refer only to Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), specifically medicinal marijuana. 

Initially, my cannabis use was for recreational purposes, but after using cannabis the first few times, I quickly noticed the health benefits and the pain relief. 

Endometriosis is a qualifying health condition in Florida that grants me a medical marijuana card. I utilize cannabis in just about every form for all aspects of my endometriosis. 

  • Inhalation – smoking marijuana is the quickest way to feel its effects. Smoking allows for almost immediate relief because once inhaled, the healing properties of cannabis travel to the brain and throughout the bloodstream; this method helps ease my nausea and headaches. 
  • Ingestion – edibles are a beneficial way to expand the effects of cannabis. I prefer to make edibles and capsules. Edibles and capsules work best to quell the severity of my period and corresponding cramping. Consuming THC allows the effects of cannabis to remain in my system for an extended time, providing me pain relief for hours throughout the day. 
  • Topical – these are like a lotion or balm you can rub onto your skin. Much like regular lotion, the THC in these topicals seep into your skin and aid in pain relief. I use a topical balm on my back, head, neck, and knees. With endometriosis, I get leg pain which causes inflammation in my knees. Therefore, I apply topical balm on my knees for seemingly instant relief. 

Herbal Tea

Photo by Svitlana on Unsplash

I consider myself a transitioning naturalist. I prefer not to take pharmaceutical medication; this is not to say I do not believe in scientific remedies and medicine. However, I feel more organic natural remedies should be explored whenever possible. After my diagnosis, I researched natural remedies for pain relief. Herbal tea was something frequently suggested. 

I typically consume three types of tea: peppermint, chamomile, and raspberry. 

  • Peppermint leaves have properties that decrease nausea. 
  • Chamomile tea is also known as “the feel-good tea” – chamomile assists with your mood. 
  • Raspberries and raspberry tea help with period pain and cramps. 

Essential Oils

Essential oils have a variety of benefits and provide relief from numerous medical conditions. They can be used in multiple ways, whether topical, ingestion, or aromatherapy. 

  • Peppermint oil – this is so versatile and has a plethora of health properties. Not only does peppermint aid with nausea, but it also assists with pain and headaches. For pain relief, apply peppermint oil topically. For example, when I have a headache, I use a small amount of peppermint oil on my temples or the base of my neck to relieve pain. 
  • Whisper – this is a specific blend of oils to help with emotions. Endometriosis often causes mood swings. I apply Whisper topically whenever I feel or realize I am moody and emotional. I will use Whisper before social events or gatherings, a pre-emptive measure for possible mood swings. 
  • Lavender – endometriosis causes hormonal fluctuations, hence mood swings. Changes in hormones can cause restlessness and insomnia. I have insomnia which affects me mainly before and during my period. I use lavender essential oil to help me relax and fall asleep. There are two ways I use lavender essential oil either: topically or through aromatherapy. 
  • Lemon – despite its acidic compounds, Lemon assists with nausea. A pharmacist informed me that Lemon is often used during pregnancy to help with nausea. Lemon contains neutralizing acids. The lemon essential oil can be ingested or applied topically. You can put a few drops of Lemon essential oil into your water before drinking it. A small amount under your nose and continuously inhale the scent. 

Essential oils are in stores such as Walmart. These oils are not always pure, so I recommend researching the company and its product ingredients. I use Doterra essential oils. 



Diet plays a role in our everyday life. Diet also plays a part in numerous health conditions, such as endometriosis. Although there is no cure for endometriosis, there are factors that exacerbate symptoms, such as your diet. 

  • Red meat – Research studies indicate that red meat contains carcinogens and other elements that could cause health issues. Red meat causes inflammation within the body. Decreasing or eliminating red meat from your diet can provide drastic health benefits. 
  • Alcohol – although we might enjoy a drink from time to time, alcohol also causes inflammation within our bodies. After my diagnosis, I realized my body could not tolerate alcohol as it previously did. When I consume alcohol, my body responds immediately. I will start having pelvic pain. Consuming alcohol around or during menstruation can increase inflammation and period pain. 
  • Sugar – Sugar and sweets are yummy, but we all know consuming excessive amounts of sugar affects health. Not only does sugar increase the risk of developing health conditions. Sugar also causes inflammation in the body. While menstruating, decrease your sugar intake and consume higher amounts of fruits and vegetables to reduce inflammation and help with period pain.

Comments (1)

  1. Adrienne

    Raspberry leaf tea during menstrual cycle are amazing

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